The headquarters of World Sailing will relocate to Central London from Southampton in late summer this year.

The location change for the International Federation was done after a prolonged evaluation process of feasible location. It was undertaken in November 2016 since the election of the Board of Directors and a new President. The main criteria for evaluating included connectivity or ease of access for stakeholders and members of World Sailing. In addition, it was also to retain the current staff and international diversity with best quality employment base. Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid, London, Geneva, Winchester, Lausanne and Southampton were evaluated by World Sailing. Among these locations, Winchester, Barcelona and Southampton were shortlisted by the Board of Directors of World Sailing in the end of 2016 prior to the announcement of Central London.
The office will be moved in late summer in 2017 as the lease period expired in September 2017 in Southampton. World Sailing has been based out of Southampton since 20 years. However, the company’s roots along with its predecessors were all based in London since its establishment in 1907. The president of World Sailing took this step, ensuring that it would be best for the organization and also for sailing as a sport. They have considered the DNA of World Sailing on the whole and it has been evaluated and done in the best interest of the organization.
The Chief Executive officer said that the World Sailing has received high interest from several cities that were keen to organize the International Federation headquarters. He did express his gratitude to all cities. Every city did come forward with a proposal and Andy Hunt thanked them and Southampton as it hosted the governing body efficiently for the last two decades. With the change in location, it will surely benefit many people, especially the management, employees and the sailors.